Hello and welcome to my blog! I created this to speak my mind as well as converse thoughts and opinions with others that agree, or disagree. We have a free voice so why not use it? As well as having a free voice, I'd prefer the context of commenting stays clean, and inviting to others. Its a place to be controversial and social. We are all adults here, so lets be mature about this. I love to hear others thoughts, but always remember most of my posts are OPINIONATED, not factual. I may use some fact but most of it is what I alone think...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Harrassment: Where To Draw the Line

There is a very fine line between being friendly, and tooo friendly... but question is, where do we draw that line? When do we know when its harassment? Its hard to understand and recognize right away, never always easy. Some its harder than others because to them its ok in their mind. But it is NEVER ok. If someone is harassing you, and you do nothing, its signaling to them that its ok, that they CAN be rude to you and anyone else. Their actions aren't bad, when truly, they are. One thing always leads to another, and another... to where you fall blind to it, resulting in being hurt in some form. This can cause mental and emotional confusion and instability in ourselves, becoming socially awkward. You may think, "Oh this will never happen to me", you are wrong... dead wrong.  It effects us, even in the slightest ways.

The definition of harassment is..."Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behavior intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive. In the legal sense, it is intentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing. Sexual Harassment refers to persistent and unwanted sexual advances, typically in the workplace, where the consequences of refusing are potentially very disadvantageous to the victim." (resources: Wikipedia)

A person who has offended someone at least once, will offend again. To them, its acceptable because no one has corrected their behaviors, so in their mind set, nothing is wrong. They don't think they are bothering anyone unless you tell them no, and be rude about it. Lets them know that what they are doing is wrong and they find a different route, but not always. You always have the right to be rude if they are being rude.

If you  have just met a person whether it be in a doctors office, grocery store, or wherever (male or female) always be cautious. Don't trust them right away no matter how friendly they seem, be polite at first, never know if they are just  being friendly. Not everyone will sense if there is something wrong with the person right away, it takes practice to notice and understand this internal "warning device", aka intuition. Conversation isn't a bad thing.. but if they take it too far, then let them know its not acceptable.  If they ask personal information just decline and let them know that your not ok with disclosing that information, I mean,... you did JUST meet this person. Just be careful.

If they insist on talking about personal information or invading your personal space, THIS IS A RED FLAG FOR ANYONE! Invading your personal space is NOT ACCEPTABLE! This is considered being tooo friendly.  This includes hugging, and unwanted touching, if this does happen, you have every right to be rude and to get them to back off and leave you alone. If you let them do this, they think its ok with you, that YOU WANT to. This is the part where if they get to be rude and think they can do what they want,but if your rude back, it will show that its not ok with you. Set up some boundaries. Also include unwanted flirting. I wouldn't let anyone close to me after knowing them for a quite some time, or get a general idea of what their intentions are.

Like I said, not everyone will realize whats really going on, before its to late. It happened to me recently actually and I honestly didn't know what to do. They are out there, they are like predators waiting on their next prey. Those are the two major signs.  Sadly there is no certain age, but it works for all ages. Most start about 16 + but I honestly don't know. It happens in this country as well as the other countries in this world. If we can start by see the signs and knowing what to look out for, we can protect ourselves and others from becoming victims of sexual and verbal harassment, or worse things lead by these actions. I only posted some of what I experienced. If you have more to add or suggest ways to recognize this, do share!

As always, this is my opinion, one I am in titled to as well as everyone is in titled to their own.

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